
 作者:李小文 编辑:李小文  预审:陈健  发布日期:2018年12月26日 浏览次数:
姓  名徐仪红


性  别
职  称教授
职  务
学  位博士学位
电  话


徐仪红, 女,安徽潜山人,理学博士,教授,博士研究生导师,安徽师范大学高层次人才引进计划。主要从事放射性同位素地球化学及其在地理学中的示踪应用研究。近5年先后主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,省部级项目2项,作为第一参与人参与国家自然科学基金项目多项,发表学术论文30余篇,其中sci论文20余篇。担任《science of the total environment》《environmental pollution》、《soil tillage & research》、《catena》、《chemosphere》、《journal of environmental radioactivity》、journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry》、《湖泊科学》、《环境化学》、《地球化学》等多个中外文期刊审稿人。



2017/09-2018/08 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,副研究员










环境地理学、地球化学、 基础化学(双语)


  1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上基金41877449,应用pu同位素计年法研究长江中下游典型湖泊的现代沉积过程,2019/01-2022/1262万元,在研

  2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金41501286,钚(pu)同位素在土壤中的吸附与迁移行为研究,2016/01-2018/1225.8万元,结题

  3. 主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金bk20150578,连云港近岸钚同位素的主要来源与迁移途径研究,2015/07-2018/0620万元,结题

  4. 主持中科院地环所国家重点实验室开放基金项目skllqg1624pu同位素在土壤中的结合态特征研究,2017.01-2017.123万元在研

  5. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目41671466,渤海钚(pu)同位素的来源及其示踪应用研究,2017/01-2020/12, 67万元(直接经费),在研,第一参研人

  6. 参加中科院地环所国家重点实验室开放基金项目skllqg1851,末次盛冰期以来江淮流域气候突变事件的湖泊沉积记录研究,2019.01-2021.123万元在研

  7. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目41271289,应用pu同位素示踪法研究土壤侵蚀,2013/01-2016/1275万元,已结题,第一参研人

  8. 主持安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目,大规模在线开放课程(mooc)示范项目,2019mooc054,《环境地理学》,2020.01-2021.122万元,在研

  9. 参加安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目,大规模在线开放课程(mooc)示范项目,2018mooc554,《全球变化导论》,2019.01-2020.122万元,在研

  10. 参加安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目,安徽省高等学校省级教学示范课,《环境理学》,2021,在研

  11. 参加安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目,安徽省高等学校省级教学示范课,《全球变化导论》,2021,在研


  1. xu yihong*, li chen, yu haiping, fang fengman, hou xiaolin, zhang chao, li xiaofei, xing shan*. rapid determination of plutonium isotopes in small samples using anion exchange separation and icp-ms/ms measurement in nh3-he mode for sediment dating. talanta. 2022, 240, 123152.(一作)

  2. guo haiting, xu yihong*, pan shaoming*, liu zhiyong. distinctive distribution of global fallout plutonium isotopes in an alpine lake and its implications for sediment dating. chemosphere. 2021, 279, 130535.(通讯)

  3. zhang weichao, lin jianfeng, fang sui, li chen, yi xiaowei, hou xiaolin, chen ning, zhang haitao*, xu yihong*, dang haijun*, wang wei, xu jiang. determination of ultra-trace level plutonium isotopes in soil samples by triple-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with mass-shift mode combined with uteva chromatographic separation. talanta. 2021, 234, 122652.(通讯)

  4. wu yang, xu yihong, xing shan*, dai xiongxin, yuan ni, luo maoyi. rapid determination of ultra-trace plutonium in large volume of urine samples by tandem quadrupole icp-ms. spectrochimica acta part b: atomic spectroscopy. 2021, 184, 106259.

  5. shihan li, joseph a. mason, yihong xu, chi xu, guang zheng, jinchang li, hezi yizhaq, shaoming pan, huayu lu, zhiwei xu*. biogeomorphology of nebkhas in the mu us dune field, north-central china: chronological and morphological results. geomorphology. 2021, 394, 107979.

  6. xu yihong, pan shaoming*, gao jianhua*, hou xiaolin, ma yongfu, hao yongpei. sedimentary record of plutonium in the north yellow sea and the response to catchment environmental changes of inflow rivers. chemosphere. 2018, 207, 130-137. (一作)

  7. xu yihong*, pan shaoming*, wu mengmeng, zhang kexin, hao yongpei. association of plutonium isotopes with natural soil particles of different size and comparison with 137cs. science of the total environment. 2017, 581-582, 541-549. (一作)

  8. xu yihong, qiao jixin, pan shaoming*, hou xiaolin*, roos per, cao liguo. plutonium as a tracer for soil erosion assessment in northeast china. science of the total environment. 2015, 511, 176-185.(一作)

  9. xu yihong, qiao jixin, hou xiaolin*, pan shaoming*, roos per. determination of plutonium isotopes (238pu, 239pu, 240pu and 241pu) in environmental samples using radiochemical separation combined with radiometric and mass spectrometric measurements. talanta. 2014, 119, 590-595. (一作)

  10. xu yihong, qiao jixin, hou xiaolin*, pan shaoming*. plutonium in soils from northeast china and its application of soil erosion. scientific reports. 2013, 3, 3506. (一作)

  11. qiao jixin*, xu yihong*. direct measurement of uranium in seawater by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. talanta. 2018, 183, 18-23. (通讯)

  12. hao yongpei, xu yihong*, pan shaoming*, song xiaowei, zhang kexin, guo haiting, gu zhi. sources of plutonium isotopes and 137cs in coastal seawaters of liaodong bay and bohai strait, china and its environmental implications. marine pollution bulletin. 2018, 130, 240-248.(通讯)

  13. zhang kexin, pan shaoming*, zhang wei, xu yihong*, cao liguo, hao yongpei, wang yun. influence of climate change on reference evapotranspiration and aridity index and their temporal-spatial variations in the yellow river basin, china, from 1961 to 2012. quaternary international. 2015, 380-381, 75-82. (通讯)

  14. zhang kexin, pan shaoming*, xu yihong*, cao liguo, hao yongpei, wu mengmeng, xu wei, ren shan. using 239 240pu atmospheric deposition and a simplified mass-balance model to re-estimate the soil erosion rate: a case study of liaodong bay in china. journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. 2016, 307(1), 599-604.(通讯)

  15. qiao jixin*, xu yihong, hou xiaolin, miró manuel. comparison of sample preparation methods for reliable plutonium and neptunium urinalysis using automatic extraction chromatography. talanta. 2014, 128, 75-82.

  16. pan shaoming*, xu yihong, wang andong, povinec p. pavel. the 137cs distribution in sediment profiles from the yangtze river estuary: a comparison of modeling and experimental results. journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry.2012, 292, 1207-1214.

  17. zhang kexin*, li guosheng, pan shaoming, qianxiaoqing, liu zhiyong, xu yihong, hao yongpei. migration path and isotope tracing of 137cs and 239 240pu in estuary sediments: a case study of liao river estuary in china. journal of soils and sediments. 2018, .

  18. zhang kexin, qian xiaoqing, liu puxing, xu yihong, cao liguo, hao yongpei, dai shengpei. variation characteristics and influences of climate factors on aridity index and its association with ao and enso in northern china from 1961 to 2012. theroretical and applied climatology. 2017, 130, 523-533. doi 10.1007/s00704-016-1887-6

  19. zhang kexin, pan shaoming*, liu zhiyong, li guosheng*, xu yihong, hao yongpei. vertical distributions and source identification of the radionuclides 239pu and 240pu in the sediments of the liao river estuary, china. journal of environmental radioactivity. 2018,181, 78-84.

  20. qiao jixin*, hou xiaolin, roos per, lachner johannes, christl marcus, xu yihong. sequential injection approach for simultaneous determination of ultratrace plutonium and neptunium in urine with accelerator mass spectrometry. analytical chemistry. 2013, 85, 8826-8833.

  21. zhang wei, pan shaoming*, cao liguo, cai xun, zhang kexin, xu yihong, xu wei. changes in extreme climate events in eastern china during 1960-2013: a case study of the huaihe river basin. quaternary international. 2015, 380-381, 22-34.

  22. 周慧,吴立,马春梅,管后春,孙小玲,路曙光,尚广春,汪勇,徐仪红,徐军,陈晔,鲍远航.巢湖杭埠河流域湖相沉积物多指标揭示的全新世以来环境演变. 湖泊科学. 2020, 32(6): 1869-1881.

  23. 任珊,潘少明,徐仪红, 郝永佩. 137cs 测年的1986年时标探讨. 海洋通报. 2018, 2: 192-200.

  24. 任珊,潘少明,郝永佩,徐仪红. 东中国海表层海水137cs分布的影响因素. 海洋环境科学. 2017, 36(6), 905-910.

  25. 张克新,潘少明*徐仪红,曹立国,郝永佩,吴孟孟,任珊,黄亚楠.利用137cs大气沉降通量估算土壤侵蚀速率的可行性研究——以辽东湾地区为例.生态学杂志. 2016, 35(1): 269-274.

  26. 张克新, 潘少明*, 徐仪红, 曹立国, 徐伟, 张威, 郝永佩.长江口放射性核素pu的大气湿沉降初步研究. 地理科学. 2016, 36(1), 157-160.

  27. 曹立国, 潘少明*, 何坚, 张克新, 徐仪红, 赵一飞, 陈影影, 徐伟, 吴孟孟. 辽东湾地区137cs大气沉降研究. 环境科学学报. 2015, 35(1), 80-86.

  28. 曹立国, 潘少明*, 刘旭英, 徐仪红, 徐伟. 长江口水下三角洲239 240pu137cs 分布特征及环境意义. 地理科学. 2014, 34(1), 97-102.

  29. 杨旭, 潘少明*, 徐仪红, 阮向东, 管永精. pu同位素比值在沉积物测年中的应用. 海洋通报. 2013, 32(2), 227-234.

  30. 徐仪红, 潘少明*. pu同位素在土壤侵蚀示踪中的应用.土壤学报. 2012, 49(5), 1021-1029.


  1. 指导2017级本科生胡菁菁等获得国家级大学生创新创业训练项目立项并结题

  2. 指导2017级本科生李琛等获得省级大学生创新创业训练项目立项并结题

  3. 指导2018级本科生张超等获得国家级大学生创新创业训练项目立项

  4. 指导2017级本科生参加大学生暑期三下乡社会实践活动

  5. 指导2017级本科生胡菁菁和李琛获本科生优秀毕业论文培育项目并结题

  6. 指导2018级本科生张超、陈仁杰和吴净获批本科生优秀毕业论文培育项目

  7. 指导2019级本科生李晓菲和胡航获得省级大学生创新创业训练项目立项

  8. 指导2019级本科生李晓菲获批本科生优秀毕业论文培育项目


  1. 安徽师范大学2021青年教师教学基本功大赛三等奖,2021

  2. 安徽师范大学第十届青年教师教学基本功大赛三等奖,2020

  3. 安徽师范大学大学生暑期三下乡社会实践优秀指导教师,2019

  4. 2015年度江苏省优秀博士学位论文

  5. 2015年度南京大学优秀博士学位论文


e-mail: yhxu@ahnu.edu.cn

