
 作者:李小文 编辑:李小文  预审:陈健  发布日期:2017年06月24日 浏览次数:

 姓  名苗雨青 
 性  别
 职  称副教授 
 职  务 
 学  位博士学位 
 电  话














(1) heavy metals potentially drive co-selection of antibiotic resistance genes by shifting soil bacterial communities in paddy soils along the middle and lower yangtze river. pedosphere, 2024, 34(3): 606-619. (co-author) (if: 5.2)

(2) bisphenol a affects soybean growth by inhibiting root nodules and germination. water air and soil pollution, 2023, 234, 75. (co-author) (if: 3.8)

(3) large alpine deep lake as a source of greenhouse gases: a case study on lake fuxian in southwestern china. science of the total environment, 2022, 838, 156059. (first author) (if: 10.753)

(4) greenhouse gas emissions from a main tributary of the yangtze river, eastern china. sustainability, 2022, 14, 13729. (first author) (if: 3.889)

(5) cyanobacteria blooms potentially enhance volatile organic compound (voc) emissions from a eutrophic lake: field and experimental evidence. environmental research, 2021, 202, 111664. (co-author) (if: 6.498)

(6) spatial and seasonal variability of nitrous oxide in a large freshwater lake in the lower reaches of the yangtze river, china. science of the total environment, 2020, 721, 137716. (first author) (if: 6.551)

(7) methane distribution patterns along a transect of lake fuxian, a deep oligotrophic lake in china. environmental science and pollution research, 2020, 27(21): 25848-25860. (co-author) (if: 4.223)

(8) wetland-atmosphere methane exchange in northeast china: a comparison of permafrost peatland and freshwater wetlands. 2018, 249: 239-249. (co-author) (if: 4.039)

(9)soil-atmopshere co2, ch4 and n2o fluxes from a peatland in the continuous permafrost zone, northeast china. fresenius environmental bulletin, 2018, 27(5a): 3606-3616. (correspondence author) (if: 0.673)

(10) annual carbon gas emissions from a boreal peatland in continuous permafrost zone, northeast china. clean-soil air water, 2016, 44: 456-463. (first author) (if: 1.338)

(11) response of ch4 emissions to moss removal and n addition in boreal peatland of northeast china. biogeosciences, 2014, 11: 4809-4816. (co-author) (if: 3.441)

(12) methane emissions from temperate herbaceous peatland in the sanjiang plain of northeast china. atmospheric environment,  2014, 92: 478-483. (co-author) (if: 3.708)

(13) effects of freezing-thawing cycle on peatland active organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities in the da xing'anling mountains, northeast china. environmental earth sciences, 2014, 72: 1853-1860. (co-author) (if: 1.435)

(14) effects of permafrost thaw on carbon emissions under aerobic and anaerobic environments in the great hing'an mountains, china. science of the total environment, 2014, 487: 604-610. (co-author) (if: 4.61)

(15) greenhouse gas emissions from southward transplanted wetlands during freezing-thawing periods in northeast china. wetlands, 2013, 33: 1075-1081. (co-author) (if: 1.811)

(16) temporal and spatial variability of methane emissions in a northern temperate marsh. atmospheric environment, 2013, 81: 356-363. (co-author) (if: 3.708)

(17) carbon release from sphagnum peat during thawing in a montane area in china. atmos environ, 2013, 75: 77-82. (co-author) (if: 3.708)

(18) growing season methane emission from a boreal peatland in the continuous permafrost zone of northeast china: effects of active layer depth and vegetation. biogeosciences, 2012, 9: 4455-4464. (first author) (if: 3.441)

(19) greenhouse gas emissions from different wetlands during the snow-covered season in northeast china. atmospheric environment, 2012, 62: 328-335. (first author) (if: 3.708)

(20) large methane emission upon spring thaw from natural wetlands in the northern permafrost region. environmental research letters, 2012, 7. (co-author) (if: 4.541)

(21) changes in labile organic carbon fractions and soil enzyme activities after marshland reclamation and restoration in the sanjiang plain in northeast china. environ. manage, 2012, 50: 418-426. (co-author) (if: 2.177)

(22) 安徽省农田生态系统温室气体排放分析及情景模拟. 生态学报, 2024, 44(17)(通讯作者)

(23) 基于citespace的极端气候事件生态效应研究进展. 生态科学, 2024, 43(6) (通讯作者)

(24) 长江下游沿江湖泊湿地土壤粒径分形特征与有机碳分布—以菜子湖湿地为例. 长江流域资源与环境, 2024, 33(8): 1728-1740.(通讯作者)

(25) 基于ubd模式的高中地理逆向教学设计-以“塑造地表形态的力量”为例. 地理教育, 2024, (04): 29-32.(通讯作者)

(26) 巢湖近湖面大气温室气体(ghgs)浓度时空分布特征. 安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 47(3): 246-254. (第一作者)

(27) 基于plus和invest模型的安徽省碳储量演化分析与预测. 水土保持学报, 2023, 37(1): 151-158. (通讯作者)

(28) 巢湖水-气界面n2o通量排放特征及影响因素. 湖泊科学, 2023, 35 (06): 2000-2009.通讯作者)

(29) 基于plus模型的淮河流域(安徽段)景观生态风险评价及预测生态科学,2023, 待刊. (通讯作者)

(30) 2015-2020年汾渭平原大气污染物时空分布特征及人口暴露. 安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 46 (05): 457-465.通讯作者)

(31) 基于invest模型的青弋江流域土壤侵蚀与影响因素研究. 水土保持学报, 2023, 37 (05): 189-197.共同作者)

(32) 升金湖重金属污染历史、来源解析及其生态风险评价. 长江流域资源与环境, 2023, 32 (05): 1005-1017.共同作者)

(33) 职前地理教师核心素养评价体系的构建.安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2022,45(2): 170-176.(第一作者)

(34) 鄱阳湖湿地典型植被群落土壤养分有效性特征. 安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,43(1): 80-85.(通讯作者)

(35) 芜湖市近十年水资源变化特征及影响因素. 安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,43(6): 558-564.(通讯作者)

(36) 花津河浅层沉积物粒径营养元素特征及对水质潜在风险的探究. 中国农村水利水电,2020,9:163-171.共同作者)

(37) 巢湖水体二氧化碳浓度时空分布特征及其水-气交换通量.湖泊科学,2019,31(3): 766-778.共同作者)

(38) 芜湖市城市森林土壤理化性质及碳库研究. 土壤通报,2018,49(5): 1009-1017.通讯作者)

(39) 庐山河谷地貌野外实习线路设计与教学模式选择. 地理教学, 2017, 15: 45-47.共同作者)

(40) 一种原位水样分层采集装置.实用新型专利,2022年授权,专利号:zl 202220340456.2(第一发明人)

(41) 一种矸石山综合治理工艺. 发明专利,2022年授权,专利号: zl 201911242007.3 (第五发明人)

(42) 一种土壤污染物去除处理系统. 发明专利,2021授权,专利号: zl 201911242127.3 (第发明人)

(43) 一种测定土壤呼吸率的简易室内模拟实验装置. 实用新型专利,2018授权,专利号: zl 201721316987.0 (第发明人)


1. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,2108085md126,气候变暖背景下营养水平对长江中下游湖泊co2和ch4收支动态的影响机理,主持

2. 中国博士后基金面上项目,2017m611940,水华生消对富营养化水体ch4产生与排放过程的影响机理研究,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41601083,亚热带地区浅水湖泊水体co2和ch4排放特征及影响因素研究——以巢湖为例,主持



6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41771221,巢湖沉积记录的末次冰盛期-早全新世气候事件及响应机制研究,参与

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,末次冰盛期以来青藏高原西北部阿克赛钦湖古水热变化及对气候的响应,参与










