
 作者:陈健 编辑:陈健  发布日期:2021年09月09日 浏览次数:























1. 工作经历


2. 学业经历

2018.9-2021.6 南京师范大学环境学院,环境科学与工程,工学博士

2015.9-2018.7 安徽师范大学地理与旅游学院,自然地理学,理学硕士

2011.9-2015.7 安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院,地理科学,理学学士







yao, yr; ma, k; li, sy; zhang, y; zhang, zm ; fang, fm; lin, ys; yin, l; sun, l; zhang, ch. (2024). dissolved organic matter and fe/mn enhance the combination and transformation of as in lake chaohu basin. journal of environmental management, 349:119425.

yao, yr; zhang, jy; ma, k; li, j; hu, x; wang, ys; lin, ys; fang, fm; li, sy. (2024). combination mechanism of soil dissolved organic matter and cu2 in vegetable fields, forests and dry farmland in lujiang county. agriculture, 14, 5: 684.

zhang, zm(#); fang, fm; yao, yr(#); ji, q; cheng, xj. (2024). exploring the response of ecosystem services to socioecological factors in the yangtze river economic belt, china. land, 13, 6: 728.

ma, k; lin, ys; fang, fm; tan, hr; li, jw; ge, l; wang, f; yao, yr(#). (2023). spatiotemporal dynamics of near-surface ozone concentration and potential source areas in northern china during 2015-2020. environmental science and pollution research, 30, 38: 89123-89139.

yao, y r., wang, w., ma, k., tan, h r., zhang, y., fang, f m., he, c. (2023). transmission paths and source areas of near-surface ozone pollution in the yangtze river delta region, china from 2015 to 2021. journal of environmental management, 330: 117105.

wang, j., shi, k p., liu,w j., yin, l., kong, d s., ni, l x., yao, y r(#)., li, s y(#)., zhang, y., yang s g., he, h. (2023) . novel zif-8@chs catalysts for photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride. chemical engineering journal, 461: 142130.

yao, y r., ma, k., he, c., zhang, y., lin, y s., fang, f m., li, s y., he, h. (2023). urban surface ozone concentration in mainland china during 2015–2020: spatial clustering and temporal dynamics. international journal of environmental research and public health. 20(5): 3810.

yao, y r., yin, l., he, c., li, j., ponprasit, c., zhang, y., cheng, x y., he, h., yang, s g., li, s y. (2022). removal kinetics and mechanisms of tetrabromobisphenol a (tbbpa) by ha-n-fes colloids in the absence and presence of oxygen. journal of environmental management, 311: 114885.

yao, y r., hu, x., zhang, y., he, h., li, s y. (2022). visible light promoted the removal of tetrabromobisphenol a from water by humic acid-fes colloid. chemosphere, 289: 133192.

yao, y. r., mi, n., he, c., zhang, y., yin, l., li, j., wang, w., yang, s. g., he, huan., li, s. y., ni, l. x. (2020). a novel colloid composited with polyacrylate and nano ferrous sulfide and its efficiency and mechanism of removal of cr(vi) from water. journal of hazardous materials, 399: 123082

yao, y. r., mi, n., he, c., he, h., zhang, y., zhang, y. c., yin, l., li, j., yang, s. g., li, s.y., ni, l. x. (2020). humic acid modified nano-ferrous sulfide enhances the removal efficiency of cr(vi). separation and purification technology, 240: 116623

yao, y. r., mi, n., he, c., yin, l., zhou, d., zhang, y., sun. h. g., yang, s. g., li, s. y., he, h. (2020). transport of arsenic loaded by ferric humate colloid in saturated porous media. chemosphere, 240:124987.

yao, y. r., he, c., li, s., ma, w., li, s., yu, q.mi, n, yu, j, wang, w, yin, l zhang, y. (2019). properties of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in shandong, china: daily fluctuation, influencing factors, and spatiotemporal distribution. science of the total environment, 660, 384-394.

yao, y. r., mi, n., zhu, y., yin, l., zhang, y., & li, s. (2019). efficient removal of sulfamerazine (smr) by ozonation in acetic acid solution after enrichment smr from water using granular activated carbon. rsc advances, 9(16), 9145-9152.

yao, y. r., li, j., he, c., hu, x., yin, l., zhang, y., zhang, j., huang, h. y., yang, s. g., he, h., zhu, f.x., li, s. (2022). distribution characteristics and relevance of heavy metals in soils and colloids around a mining area in nanjing, china. bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 1093450-458.  

yao, y. r., fang, f., wu, h., wu, m., kuang, y., & lin, y. (2019). concentrations and speciation of mercury in soil affected by bird droppings. polish journal of environmental studies, 28(3), 1451-1459.

周浩,林跃胜,方凤满,阴俐,葛磊,陈辉,李时银,姚有如(#).水稻土溶解性有机质与cu2 结合过程及机制研究[j]. 农业环境科学学报, 2023.

姚有如,方凤满,武家园,朱哲,林跃胜,张丹龙,朱慧萍.淮南城区小学校园及其临近街道地表灰尘中汞的分布特征及污染评价[j].环境科学学报, 2017, 37(03):844-852.

姚有如,方凤满,朱慧萍,徐明露,林跃胜.安徽省部分农村室内灰尘中汞的分布特征与健康风险评价[j].环境化学, 2017, 36(02):282-288.

姚有如,方凤满,朱哲,武家园,林跃胜,张丹龙,朱慧萍.煤矿型城市城区居民人发中汞的空间分布特征及影响因素分析[j].生态毒理学报, 2017, 12(04):392-400.

2. 发明专利

姚有如;方凤满;林跃胜;张志明;季青;张宠宏;孙炼;李昂. 缓释纳米铁土壤重金属修复兼保水补磷剂及其制备方法. 申请(专利)号:cn202410498717.7. (实审)

李时银, 姚有如, 阴俐, 米纳, 李晶, 何欢, 杨绍贵, 宋海欧. 一种还原性铁硫混合胶体、制备方法及其应用. 申请(专利)号:cn202010527819.9. (实审)

李时银, 米纳, 姚有如, 阴俐, 李晶, 何欢, 杨绍贵. 一种土壤修复剂、制备方法及应用. 申请(专利)号:cn201910941695.6. (实审)

李时银, 阴俐, 米纳, 姚有如, 李晶, 何欢, 杨绍贵, 宋海欧. 兼具氮磷肥功能的土壤重金属稳定剂、制备方法及应用.授权专利号:zl202010534838.4. (授权)


国家自然科学基金青年基金(42207454) 产茶富铁红壤中天然有机质-fe胶体耦合砷元素迁移转化与驱动机制研究, 2023-2025, 主持

芜湖市科技项目(2022jc09): 磁性缓释纳米fe对水体中重金属钝化机制与技术应用, 2022-2024, 主持. (已结项)

安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目(kj2021a0121 主持

安徽师范大学人才培育基金 (2021xjxm032) 主持






e-mail: yaoyouru@ahnu.edu.cn
