



上海漕河泾万丽酒店地处上海漕河泾新兴技术开发区核心地段,共有383间舒适客房和套房。上海漕河泾万丽酒店是您商务旅行、策划会议的绝佳选择。精心设计风格各异的房间、概念独特的餐厅酒吧和宴会场地,将商务和休闲提升至更高层次。从您抵达酒店的那一刻开始,我们将为您制造许多独特的回忆。探索一场味觉、视觉、触觉、感觉、听觉的全新感官之旅。 我们将继续秉承万豪公司的核心文化,照顾好我们的同事,同事便会照顾好我们的客人。万豪国际是提供平等就业机会的雇主,致力于雇佣各种族员工以及创造海纳百川的凯发k8国际首页登录的文化。我们承诺将提供广阔的事业发展机会和全方位的培训体系,诚挚期待您的加入。

welcome to the renaissance shanghai caohejing hotel. prepare yourself to taste, see, feel, sip, hear, do and try something wonderfully new. you can find us in shanghai’s premier business district caohejing hi-tech park, but it’s more than just our location that makes us memorable. it’s pretty unforgettable and marks just one of the many unique moments you’ll have with us during your stay. with company culutre of 'we take care of our associates; our associates will take care of our guests.' marriott international inc. is an equal employer committed to employing a diverse workforce. we are committed to providing you tremendous job opportunities and systematic training programs to strengthen your career development. warmly welcome you to join us.


电话:0553-5910692 |   邮编:241000 | 组委会邮箱:career2020@126.com | 凯发k8一触即发的版权所有:安徽师范大学地理与旅游学院
